

Hey guys I was curious of how often to dust insects with calcium with/without d3 and vitamins throughout their life? So far I've been doing calcium 3 days a week, calcium with d3 once every other week, and a vitamin once every other week(alternating weeks with the d3). I have a 3 month old male veiled rn and was curious if the amount of dusting should ever be decreased in his life and if so when? Thanks!
According to all the advice I've gotten from this forum on the topic a good schedule to start with will be as follows:
Calcium no D3 with every feeding.
Calcium w/ D3 twice per month or every other week.
Multivitamin twice per month or every other week that D3 is not given.

NOTE: If your multivitamin contains D3 do not supplement the Cal w/ D3.

Since he is still growing this schedule works great.
No. Their appetite will decrease, and they will eat less volume and less frequently. So supplements should continue as usual since supplement ingestion will also decrease as they are eating less.
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