Supplements and Calci Worms


im getting my baby Panther chameleon in 9 days and have heard calci worms are good for chams. So was just wondering if these will be okay to feed every day along side locusts.

Also can anyone recommend a good website to order them from (UK).

Next question... what supplements do you use? I know about D3 twice a month etc, would just like to know what brands people recommend! :)
Welcome to these forums...
Calciworms are a pretty good feeder bug but they smell bad too :LOL:
I would feed a larger variety than only calciworms and locust...
You'd probably be wise to get some crickets since he may not be interested in calciworms straight away and crickets is a feeder most chameleons will always take.

@Twitchet gave me this site for a store in the UK,
I order my silkworm chow there now, they have good prices and the owner is very helpful too..

On supplements I can't help you a lot since I don't think my supplements are available in the UK...
I do have a Repashy gut load formula... I hear Repashy is generally good stuff, they do have supplements too I think.
Welcome to these forums...
Calciworms are a pretty good feeder bug but they smell bad too :LOL:
I would feed a larger variety than only calciworms and locust...
You'd probably be wise to get some crickets since he may not be interested in calciworms straight away and crickets is a feeder most chameleons will always take.

@Twitchet gave me this site for a store in the UK,
I order my silkworm chow there now, they have good prices and the owner is very helpful too..

On supplements I can't help you a lot since I don't think my supplements are available in the UK...
I do have a Repashy gut load formula... I hear Repashy is generally good stuff, they do have supplements too I think.
Thank you!! Will check the link out, are silkworms a good staple food too? Thank you again will look Repashy up!:)
Hi Kayleigh, I'm in the U.K I tend to buy my livefood from Swell reptiles or onlinereptileshop -Paul at o.r.s posts them very quickly to arrive most time the next day and postage is only £2.45, he has a wide range of livefoods- there's postage on both companies but i am ordering various other wrigglies at the same time so t doesnt feel so bad, I looked on ebay and one pack of calci + postage are still more than these suppliers even with postage added.
It's bearable if you are adding a side order of crickets and locusts. I guess if you have a reptile shop near you they'd be cheaper with no postage but swell and online are superb vale if you buy bulk- say 50 locusts at a time.
If you buy a few dubia roaches off ebay and set them up with a heat mat etc they breed like nothing else and you'll have so many you'll end up selling them on ebay- then buy calciworms with the proceeds!
As Remkon says silkies are fantastic- if you look at the website he mentioned it will tell you a nutrition guide to all the livefoods available and silkies are a wonder food. Buy a little tub and see if your new boy likes them, I tried with mine and he didnt- then I tried 6 months later and he loves them,
Starting up with a colony of microworms and chow is about £18 - that's 250 worms, a container and tweezers and enough chow ready made for them- it's a great way to start with them and see if he or you like them but they grow really well and are definitely worth it- they are super nutritious, grow to be a great feeding size and are fairly easy to keep.
Best of luck with your new boy- you must be very excited :)
Hello! Thank you for all that advice!! Will defo by ordering some next week from both sites! And yes very very excited! 9 days to go! The new Viv gets delivered tomorrow too! Can't wait!:D:D
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