


I realize this forum post has been gone over several times, but would like a straight forward best practice and best supplements case.

I have seen several cases of folks using Miner-All-O and I

Some folks use Repashy Calcium plus, Some use Rep-Cal.

I currently use Rep-Cal with and without D3 and Rep-Cal vitamins. I just want to know if there is something better out there. I am considering using the bug burger soon also. My panthers get 10-15 minutes outside most days if this helps and they both have Dragonstrand large Atrium cages with all the bells and whistles. Your input would be greatly appreciated.


There is no perfect answer. The reason being is much depends on gutload, species, sun exposure, species involved, the health of the animal, the origin of the animal, the life stage the animal is in, and how well hydrated the animal is and how consistently the animal remains hydrated.
No one, not vets, no expert keepers, no herptologists, not anyone knows what proportions of what nutrients a chameleon needs, much less each species. All we have to go on is what has been proven to be safe and meet the needs of captive chameleons in the majority of situations.
What you are using is fine, but you need a supplement with preformed A, which your Rep-cal vitamins don't have. A lot depends on how heavy you apply the powders and how often.
I'd suggest dusting 1/3 of the feeders lightly, 3-5 days a week for juveniles and reproductive females in good health and hydration and the same proportions once a week for the Rep-Cal vitamins to once every other week for D3 and Vitamin A vitamins. I'd reduce this to 3 times a week for calcium and once every other week for the others, in adult animals. This is a basic and generic approach, under the assumption that a good variety of feeders are used and a comprehensive gut load. Brands don't matter so much, as long as they are reputable and the amounts of what's in them are listed. Keepers have had success with several brands.
I would recommend changing multi vitamins to Reptivite without D3. Reptivite had Vit. A in it and it is a nice safe way to make sure they get some A.

Also if your guys get that much outside time they probably don't need much D3.
Excellent info. I appreciate the feedback.
I will switch to the Reptivite this week. Could I get a good place to buy that through? Also I noticed my panthers do not like the Dubias. Oddly enough they both like the superworms and crickets and usually leave the roaches alone and I have to remove them the following day. Is this normal? Also my female is growing at a much slower rate than my male.

The outside time honestly is dictated by the weather. I live in Midwest and its been quite wet lately and I don't let them out when its raining etc. Coming soon they will not get any outside time due to the drop in temperature that will occur soon.
Excellent info. I appreciate the feedback.
I will switch to the Reptivite this week. Could I get a good place to buy that through? Also I noticed my panthers do not like the Dubias. Oddly enough they both like the superworms and crickets and usually leave the roaches alone and I have to remove them the following day. Is this normal? Also my female is growing at a much slower rate than my male.

The outside time honestly is dictated by the weather. I live in Midwest and its been quite wet lately and I don't let them out when its raining etc. Coming soon they will not get any outside time due to the drop in temperature that will occur soon.

I buy my Reptivite at LLLReptile. Most online reptile stores will have it. Be sure to get it without D3. It's not odd at all that your guys don't like roaches. Most of the chameleons I've had, with exception to the parsons, don't care for roaches.
R theses two product what I should b using ? Not a lot of real sun 5.0 reptisun t5 ho 12 hours a day I don't c any vit d3 in either of them unless it's under a different name


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R theses two product what I should b using ? Not a lot of real sun 5.0 reptisun t5 ho 12 hours a day I don't c any vit d3 in either of them unless it's under a different name

Those are both great. However once or twice a month you should sub the calcium for the version with D3.

repashy SuperCal calcium low/med formulas D3
10,000 IU/lb.
25,000 IU/lb

i would not use repcal with D3 as its D3 is huge and is more for rehabilitating a reptile.
Ok great will get some as soon as I can. Had a fecal sent out today see what's up in 24 hours my guy has refused to eat crickets the past two weeks will eat the odd horn worm and super worm so it was tough to get his fecal this past week drinking fine tough. I also ordered a MistKing mister as my monsoon motor seems to b heading down hill after 3 months my experience with MistKing was great fast response to my email questions n helped with what I needed Ryan was great
R theses two product what I should b using ? Not a lot of real sun 5.0 reptisun t5 ho 12 hours a day I don't c any vit d3 in either of them unless it's under a different name

Those are the exact supplements I have in my house. I also have a D3 version I use twice a month.
When I got my first Veiled couple years ago the guy at Chicago Reptile House recommended I use Repashy Calcium HyD almost every feeding. This never hurt my female, but I did notice if I did it every feeding she would get salt deposits on her nose so I would back off for few days. I found it extremely hard to believe after reading what we were suppose to use that a person is his position would recommend something like that. She was 4 when she got out of her outdoor enclosure and ran away. This is my first attempt after losing her and I do not want to mess up. My male is awesome. I got it from Craig Wyatt here on the forums. Super nice guy and extremely helpful.
I'm with ya I'm just getting back into it after 10 years and things have changed quite a bit in the real world lol not at the pet store lvl sadly enough
I have an older style 8.0 tube light I think it was repti sun was in a red box brand new 18" would it hurt to use it along with the repti sun 5.0 t5 ho?
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