

New Member
Hi i went to the pet shop to get my, dusts for the crickets i was recommended on here was all phos free ,calcium with d3 , calcium without and multi vit without vit a?

All they had in there what i was recommended by the store owner was REP PRO. CALCI-MAX multi mineral powder,

This had d3,

They also had one without, another brand, but was not in stock, and the guy said this one would be fine and the one without d3 will be enough?

First off is this any good?

And secondly what make are the others, as i will order online so i can get the asap thanks
Hi thanks i will google them now, my main concern was it does not say if its phos free,
Here is all the supplements you need that you were told. :)

If you want bigger amounts just go to the full site and search these items. Pssh knows alot about them if you need any idea how to use them and when. ;)
This requires ordering online ;) I just solved your problem
Those supps are phos free, however it may be easier to buy from a website that is in the UK than a US one.
yeah you want a mult vit ....a calcium powder without d3 ...and one with d3. d3 every 2 weeks w/o d3 3-5 times a week and mult vit once a month (gravid chams require more calaicum and water so do research if you own a female)....always get supplements that are phosph free
If you PM me I'll look up that supp for you and tell you what's in it, and if I think you should use it.
Information on supplementation:

its also important to think about how you are gutloading, what feeders you are using, whether or not the animal has access to the outdoors, as all this factors in to how you should address supplementation.

what!??!?! umm never herd of this but advise no one to do it until you do research and get other peopel that agree it may be ok.
I have used crushed fruit flavored tums for all my geckos for years and it doesn't seem to cause a problem...however, most geckos eat some fruit and would get more sugar than a chameleon might. But then, some people give fruit to the insects as part of the gutload...and you are only using a small amount of tums...hmmm...don't knw what the answer is. (BTW one group of the geckos has been with me since 1993! Several of the other groups have been with me for over 10 years.)
Hi just to get this correct, for my young yeman,

I have a repglow 10 uvb,

And for supplementing,

Calcium d3:- once every 2 weeks?

Calcium:- 3to 5 days a week?

Multivit:- once per month?

thanks again,
As a baby I would use the calcium at least 5 times a week. If the nose begins to form a white crust then cut back. The d3 can be used more depending on the brand.
Hi thanks when you mean 5 times a week, does that mean dust every cricket/locust.]

Or just a few each day for 5 days? thanks
It depends on how heavily you dust and how quickly your chameleon eats and the method you use to feed. If you dust more heavily then half of them is probably okay. I dust very lightly and dust all of them. I also hand feed some of the crickets/other food items so know that he is getting enough. If you free range the food then I would dust them a little bit more as the dust seems to quickly fall off. If the chameleon eats all the food immediately then you wouldn't have to dust as much. It's kind of circumstantial and you have to use your judgement because you know your Cham best.
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