

New Member
which supplements are good for my baby cham and which ones should i stay away from? and how often? i keep getting mixed answers from different places =/
There are 2 ways that seem to work good for us forum members. No way is a better way its just what you think is better for your chameleon...
You can use the Repashy all in one calcium plus 3 times a week.
Or you can do it old school like me.:)
Rep cal plain calcium no D3 every feeding
2 times a month one time ever other weekend rep cal with D3
2 times a month rep cal herptivite one time ever other weekend.
This is based on a 4 week month. I will skip the last 2 on a 5th week month. Alternate weekends with the D3 and herptivite... Hope this helps.
That is because there is no specific one fix all schedual for supplementing chams.. for starters though what kind of cham do u have?

exactly. There is no one system that fits all situations.

There are 2 ways that seem to work good for us forum members. No way is a better way its just what you think is better for your chameleon...
You can use the Repashy all in one calcium plus 3 times a week.
Or you can do it old school like me.:)
Rep cal plain calcium no D3 every feeding
2 times a month one time ever other weekend rep cal with D3
2 times a month rep cal herptivite one time ever other weekend.
This is based on a 4 week month. I will skip the last 2 on a 5th week month. Alternate weekends with the D3 and herptivite... Hope this helps.

Agreed. Either of these are a good base plan for a veiled, young or old. You will likely tweak what you do a bit, based on how you gutload and what feeder prey you offer etc.
Here is a link to some additional info you may find useful:
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