Suppliment Opinions..


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I want everyones opinion on Supplement Brands...Which is Better?!

Miner-All or Rep-Cal?!

I've used both but never saw a difference between the two....!?

What do you guys think?! about this Supplimenting Schedule with Miner-All

Multi-Vitamin once a week
Calcium/D3 2-3 times a week

And this is The Chameleon Habitat Supplement Schedule...Whats the Ratio Difference between both brands?? Let me see if I can look it up..

Repcal W/ d3 has waaay more D3 than Miner-al I...
Just sayin...

-Steve about this Supplimenting Schedule with Miner-All

Multi-Vitamin once a week
Calcium/D3 2-3 times a week

And this is The Chameleon Habitat Supplement Schedule...Whats the Ratio Difference between both brands?? Let me see if I can look it up..

Thats not a suitable schedule.

Calcium WITHOUT D3 6 times a week
Calcium W/ d3 twice a MONTH
Multivitamin twice a MONTH

Repcal W/ d3 has 400,000 IU of d3,
Mineral has 4,000 IU of d3,
hmm..okay how did you figure how much of each and how often?! I know everyone has there own routine's & schedules of when they do there supplements...But The Cham Habitat is a Great Cham Breeder here in the States...why isnt there Supplement Schedule good?! It's what they use and it seem to be pretty sucessful!?
Well, I dont know, but it seems to be WAY to much, and without plain calcium, you OD on vitamin D3, which is obviously bad. And thats definately to much Multivitmin. Ive never heard of The Cham Habitat, But I wouldn't call them a great cham breeder, because of their poor husbandry. It seems like that is Petsmart advice... not Good advice at all.
yeah who knows! I was looking at another Cham Breeders Supplimenting Guide..Check this out..This is from Chameleon Paradise..Like I said before everyone does it differently. I want eveyones opinion and see what method is most commonly used, with minimal Cham Health I can follow that routine.

Here's another one I found from Chameleon Paradise:

We use three different types of supplements here. For our sub-adult to adult chameleons we dust with Herptivite multi-vitamin once a week, Miner-all and a calcium/D3 supplement is used 2-3 times a week. Some variations are expected due to size and maturity of the chameleon.

Anyone Else have any Suggestions!? All are Welcome!!! :)
ha okay..well we'll see if others chime into this thread..I would really like to know what everyone else is doing for suppliments! But I will def. keep your guide in mind! Thanks for your help Steve!
Here's another Suppliment Guide...Anyone let me know which of these so far are good to use!?

This Suppliment Guide below is from Chroma Chameleons:

We use three different types of supplements here. For our sub-adult to adult chameleons we dust with Herptivite multi-vitamin once a week, Miner-all and a calcium/D3 supplement is used 2-3 times a week. Some variations are expected due to size and maturity of the chameleon.
You posted the exact same schedule three times, two with exact wording. Are those from 3 different breeders?

This is my schedule:
Herptivite once a month
Reptivite w/d3 once a month
Repcal w/d3 once a month
Repcal w/o d3 all other feedings
Ohh wow Really?! I dident even realize that! And's from 3 different Breeders! WEIRD! :confused:

Why do you use 2 different types of D3?
I use the Reptivite w/d3 because of the vitamin A it contains.

Also,I think you accidentally copied the same schedule twice. The one you have posted by Chroma is not what is on their may want to edit that. Chameleon Habitat I am not familiar with, so I cannot comment on their husbandry or supplementation. I looked up Chameleon Kingdom and all I saw was basically a blank website?!?!?
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You may find this blog entry useful:
Calcium and D3 are about half way down the page

There is no single schedule that fits all situations. What I do, what works well for me, what anyone else says, may not be the best choice for you and your chameleon. Those that get access to sunlight need very little D3 in their diet, if any. Those with excellent gutloading and a variety of prey insects may need less supplementation dusted on prey than others. The brand of supplement makes a considerable difference. Rep-Cal has 400,000 IU/kg of D3 whereas Miner-All (I) has 4,400 IU/kg of D3 and I think 150IU D3 in Nutribol (which also has Vit A so be wary of using this very often). That's a considerable difference in D3 strength.
Only you can decide what works for your situation, for your chameleons situation.
Factors to consider are:
  • What brand of supplements are you using, what's in that brand?
  • How often is your chameleon outside, having access to natural sunlight?
  • What types of insects/feeders do you use?
  • What do you gutload with?
  • What type of UVB lighting do you use?
  • Age, sex and type of chameleon also matters.
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