Surprise egg!!! Yay!!!


New Member
So when I was cleaning my female leopard geckos container the other day I couldn't help but think to myself "wow, that's a big urate..."

As soon as I went to pick it up was pleasantly surprised to find it definitely wasn't a giant urate but a big fat egg!

Reason I was so surprised is I've had my male and female separated for quite a while now, maybe 3 months or more. I've heard of females retaining sperm before but never had one do it under my care.

It's super exciting for me though cuz this is the first egg of anything i'll be incubating to hatch in probably 7 years, I just can't wait to see that little face pip through!!! We candled it last night and the tell tale veins were all over with a nice little dark embryo growing inside:)
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