Surprised by Chameleons


New Member
What has surprised you about owning a chameleon? I'll go first. My biggest surprise is just how much a young panther can eat!!!
My biggest, and first surprise was the "oh how adorable she is". It happened when i decided to get a veiled cham... than a little panther lady (on my avatar) came across :p her cage was in the sight of my eye, and it looked like she want me to take her home :p Since i was after years of reasearch about chameleons, after a little hasitating i took her. :)
The first and biggest surprise has been that my young male veiled is super-friendly and brisk! I had prepared myself to love and take care of a snappy or shy little guy but mine was just the opposite. How can I handle him once a week when he demands to get out of his huge enclosure at least two-three times a day?! He wants to climb on me and of course ride on my shoulder to his free range areas again and again. Very surprising that he needs to be "outside" so much!

It has surprised me as well that you become so attached to them so fast and learn to love them right away. I could never get bored with my precious little friend. These creatures give us so much!
The way that my first cham, Lily, didn't eat for 10 days before laying a clutch of infertiles and she still had the energy to dig a hole, deposit over 100 eggs and fill it in again after. They are such amazing creatures!
I was surprised by the amount of personality/character they have. I didn't expect that from reptiles, even though I had geckos before chams, but they have such funny personalities. I free range mine so I'll find mine following me around the house, or sleeping on the couch when I'm home at night, or figuring out how to get into the locked cricket bin :D They're really entertaining. Right now one of my panthers is sitting on my PS3! (Catching the loose crickets as they walk by, which I SO appreciate)
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