Swollen lip???


New Member
My (female) Jacksons chameleons lip on her right side closer to her eye is swollen. I am not sure what could have caused it, but it seems to be fresh. Shes not sickly and seems fine. But she wont eat or drink for me today. I caught a fly yesterday, sprinkled calcium on it and threw it in. I've given her flies before that i've cought and she was fine. Could the fly have done something?
Her living conditions are clean so thats not the issue. I have plants and a vine in the enclosure..she was shedding and she tends to brush her head on the vine to help take off the shedding...could she have scraped her lip? I doubt that. I feed her crickets, and I have a mister so shes getting enough water.

Any thoughts?

I also attatched a photo...so hopefully it shows up. Im new so I hope I did it right.


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It look slike mouth rot.

Jax are known for getting infections in the corners of their mouths.

its vet visit time for a culture and meds.
How often is a jacksons chance to get mouth rot.. and why is it caused

i wouldnt say its often, as any cham can get mouth rot.

it just seems that jax are more prone to it thats all.

and its an infection, so if bad stuff gets into a cut or scrape, it can turn into mouth rot.
i wouldnt say its often, as any cham can get mouth rot.

it just seems that jax are more prone to it thats all.

and its an infection, so if bad stuff gets into a cut or scrape, it can turn into mouth rot.

Ok thanks........
As already said it could be mouth rot or an infection of the Temporal Gland. Not all chameleons have this gland in the corner of their mouth, but Jacksons are one species that do. I suggest a vet visit as you will at least need some antibiotics for her.
I took her to the vet. It was not mouth rot thankfully! But apparently she had food build up in the corner of her mouth near the gland. It appeared to be a piece of cricket leg.
I took her to the vet. It was not mouth rot thankfully! But apparently she had food build up in the corner of her mouth near the gland. It appeared to be a piece of cricket leg.

Jacksons also seem more prone to getting bits of food stuck in the corners of their mouths too. I think Monty had a slight case of this when I first had him. I believe he got the wing of a fruit fly caught in the corner. It never showed any swelling, just a bit of gunky matter that I could wipe away. It happens more when their feeders don't fit in the mouth all at once - i.e., wings and legs that get stuck in the corner as you have discovered.

Did the vet give you any cream or medication for her?
mouth crud (not stomatitus)

getting stuff caught in the corners of their mouth is a common issue. feeding smaller feeders will usually help. when they eat larger feeders, it makes a paste that gets caught in the corners of their mouth that they are not very good at cleaning. imo it should be dealt with or it can encourage stomatitus.

i usually use a q tip ( the type with the paper shaft) with the fuzzy end cut off, and i chew it or semi smash it to make it softer and more absorbent, then i soak in water till it gets soft but not too mushy, makes a great safe tool for busting off any dried pieces of crud, i usually carefully rinse with a curved tip dental syringe.

assuming there arent other outstanding health issues, any swelling or hung lip will usually subside within a matter of a couple of days, if it doesnt it could indicate stomatitus which would probably mean a vet visit. jmo
The vet examined but did not do a culture and said it wasn't mouth rot on Thursday. But later that night it was still inflamed and appeared worse so I went back and they gave me shots of fortaz to prevent or eliminate any infection. Hopefully it works.
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