Tamatave babies


Avid Member
It is hard to believe that it is already been a month! These guys are growing so fast! Some are beginning to shed :)

Here is the first thread https://www.chameleonforums.com/tamatave-hatchling-65850/



Yummy cricket


Ooooooh! I have been waiting to see more of these babies! They are so cute Jessica!:) how old are they now? Oh a month, I was so excited I missed that lol, great photos! :)
Ooooooh! I have been waiting to see more of these babies! They are so cute Jessica!:) how old are they now? Oh a month, I was so excited I missed that lol, great photos! :)

Thank you! Yep they started hatching 1 month today :D

Those pictures are priceless! Just beautiful little guys.. extremely cute

Thank you! I could take hundreds of pictures of these little guys lol
Thank you eveyone for the compliments! Honestly cannot believe how fast these little guys are growing! I am having a blast with these little fiesty guys :D
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