Tampa Reptile show


New Member
Just got back from the Tampa reptile show! Met Mike from FL Chams where I got My beautiful Veiled! Very nice show-not as many Chams as I would have thought and of course I did not walk away empty handed, we now have a baby girl Ball Python:rolleyes: ! Looking forward to adding a Panther to my small zoo after I grow my Veiled up a bit. ;)
Congrats on your new acquisition! If I could find a vegetarian snake I'd consider getting one again, but I just can't do the 4-leggers!! :-O
From what I hear, there's some baby panthers being sold as "from Bluebeast Rep" at this show... For the public's information, these are definately NOT from me (the ages of claimed animals are not even close to any timeframes I've hatched, and I never sell panthers more than one or two at a time). Talk about a shady individual....
There were some people selling Panthers there that didn't look like people I would want to buy from. There were also people selling Veileds that looked like a week old that I thought was pretty bad. What cracked me up was the people walking around with bearded dragons hanging off of their shirts.
Hey Tyler, looking forward to seeing you at the wasatch Retile Expo this september.

I will definately be there... I already have talked to "Guy" about it, got my booth lined up. There's a show the same weekend in Del Mar, CA, but I chose the Salt Lake show over it... Interestingly enough, I did better in Salt Lake in '06 than I did in Anaheim or Chicago, and it was a heck of alot more fun. Nice peaceful environment for once!
From what I hear, there's some baby panthers being sold as "from Bluebeast Rep" at this show... For the public's information, these are definately NOT from me (the ages of claimed animals are not even close to any timeframes I've hatched, and I never sell panthers more than one or two at a time). Talk about a shady individual....

Tyler you should contact the people who put on the show and find out who they are. I am sure they wouldn't want them back in the show again. There are laws againt this and it could hurt your reputation.
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