Tell me what u think


New Member
This ok for my first Cham too much foilage

Looks great but I would use real plants all around. Possibly hang a pothos from the top.
I would add more horizontal branches near the top of the cage and a little more foliage around those as well. Also make sure there are no sharp edges from the screening. I think I see that the bottom of your cage is also screen. You will need some type of drainage set-up underneath or you will have water all over the floor. Real plants would be preferable, but a lot of keepers use artificial without any problem. Artificial could be a problem if you are getting a Veiled as they like to eat plants and chomping on a plastic or silk could be harmful.
i think for a hand built it looks pretty bad *** so far. you may have to put a branch or something closer to the top for basking. use an infrared laser thermometer to make sure you get the branch just the right distance from the heat source. your cage has more foliage than mine does lol i see you have an umbrella and a pothos in the bottom. the more the merrier. i would take the fake foliage and wrap it around the vines. silk foliage isnt recommended because it can harbor bacteria so if you have to go with one stick to mostly plastic. plastic will hold drops of water, silk will just soak it up. i like the way you have the fake vines in there. does that pothos have long vines on it? you can wrap the thick fake vines with real pothos vines if they are long enough?

edit: agreed about drainage you need to figure something out. there are a lot of ideas available in the sticky threads in this part of the forum
The build looks good, except for the above mentioned stuff. I wont bother repeating. The wood really will need a sealant or all your hard work will be over! If it's not already occupied, I would highly suggest a stain (which will help maintain the quality of the wood) and then a cham-friendly sealant. Search the forums, there's a bunch of stuff out there for DIY builds.

Personally, I'd take out that plastic "plant" top right. I was just in the pet store today and ran my fingers through that exact one wondering if it was chameleon-friendly, and I decided against it. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I decided there were no benefits to it, and it didn't seem strong enough to hold an adult. I always try to avoid plastic plants for chams. That "plant" is designed for fancy fish bowls. That is all.

Good luck! :)
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