Temperature questions


New Member
I have a few questions of the temperature, here in maryland, it gets hot,not too hot, but pretty hot and humid. Anyways, ive noticed my normal temps are around 80, but thats up top,i havent gotten a thermometer for down low though, i havent seen Louie go down there though or stay down there, and the basking i would guess is about 90-95. Tonight,i noticed after i turned the lights off it only dropped to around 76-80:eek: Is this bad? My parents wont turn on the AC,so i have a fan on in the room, are there any other ways to cool it down?
I wouldn't have the fan on too high, sucks the parents won't turn on the ac but the good news is if your ambient temps are that low and your basking temps are that high...

you would most likely want to try a few wattages of lights between this zone(less), as you are not leaving yourself much room for increase, say one day the temperature goes up a few degrees, you are going to be way too hot for you cham, you are already a slight bit hot give yourself another 5 degrees of room for error

in those kind of temps 30-50 watt bulbs should do the trick, but then again what do I know
Don't worry a warm night is not going to kill him. You should google the weather and temperatures where these chameleons come from do a little investigating and have some fun. You could always move him outside but I don't think thats necessary.
Mmk, so maybe change the wattage of the basking temp? Im not going to be home for a few days though, im going to tennessee and ill be gone, i have a time on though. The dripper will stay on the whole weekend, its not supposed to be hot though, so i dont expect the temperatures to be a problem.
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