Tessera corns


New Member
I purchased five yearlings from South Mountain last year and got one of the males big enough to father a clutch. This is the first codominant gene found in colubrid snakes that I am aware of. It creates a striped pattern, but is a very different look than a striped corn, because there is no reduction in black and the sides have a mosaic pattern. Bellies also have checkering which is usually absent in normal motley stripes.

Here's a sample adult (photo by Don Soderberg):

And here are my babies (taken right out of the egg):

11 out of 24 were Tesseras, and 10 are thriving on f/t pinks. Now, it's time to sell them for more chams and cages!
so cute!! :] im thinking about getting a corn snake for my boyfriend soon :) they are so cool and i have never met one that wasn't friendly!
With some morphs (esp. "normals") it's amazing how much they color up with age. I have about 30 varieties currently. You think chams are addicting, you should try these low-maintenance gems!
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