thamnobates gravid or not need to help


New Member
i ve got a thamnobates couple from Damaranum for one month
they was born in june 2009 but my female seems to be gravid because her belly is round....They live together in screen cage
i ve nerver worked with this species before if somebody can help me:)


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Sorry for my late reply ;-)
It is really hard to tell if she is pregnant or not. She indeed looks very healthy and round. But that doesn't really mean she is pregnant. I would only suggest to seperate them now as pregnancy can be dangerous at this age. I always try to wait until 9 months or a year. Althought they might be ready now.

When she is pregnant she will react with really different colors.

Does she always look so round or does it differ? Because they also seem to blow themselve up when stressed.
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