Thank god!


New Member
Just to let everyone who tried to help me know that my female veiled laid successfully the other day, and is now eating again. 51 eggs!! is that an average number or..? Just to try to help anyone who may be having any trouble - I used a bucket about 2/3 full of used compost moistened so it could hold a tunnel, with plenty of sticks leading in. She went straight in and did the business.


I thought i was gona lose her she didnt eat for about 6 days! =S
The higher the amount of eggs, the more lifespan it takes off the chameleon's life. There are things you can do, such as feeding less and lower basking temperatures, to prevent this.

Glad to hear she is okay.
I'm so glad you managed to get her to lay! They can go for over a week without food. My first female didn't eat for about 10 days when she was full of eggs. She laid her first clutch at 14 months old of 104 infertiles, followed by a second clutch of 102 four months later. Sadly she died a month after that. A combination of overfeeding and temps kept too high for a female were partly to blame on my part. I got her at 6 months and only had a year with her.

I learnt the hard way - I loved her so much and it hurts to know that I played a part in limiting her all too short life. This time around with my second female I have been feeding a lot less and keeping her temps in the very low 80's at the most. So far (touch wood!) things seem to be ticking along quite nicely and she hasn't laid yet and is now about 17 months old.
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