Thanking this wonderful site


New Member
Just wanted to thank the world of chameleon lovers. If i hadn't found this site i would have never gained the confidence to own a panther chameleon. Dexter, (my male amilobe), just turned a year old and is doing so well!

The help from this site is amazing! From all the chameleon books i own, and informational websites, chameleon forums has been the most help!

I recently just put together a new cage for dexters "girlfriend". Not sure about mating yet, i just want a female :cool:

Though when i know i have enough money & room, i might give it a shot. Just for the experience, not for the money. (if i get the confidence to do it). I know it is a huge responsibility and as a animal/reptile lover i would never take in reptiles i know i can't care for. Reasons why i held off on owning a cham until i knew i could afford it. With my new job Dexter has been the most spoiled chameleon ever, and i can't wait to spoil my new princess that is coming.

This has become such an addictive hobby, and i love it! Thank you chameleon forums for giving me the confidence. Its nice to know there are hundreds of other people just as addicted to chams as i am :)


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