That was Convenient

So I'm forceping a couple of roaches from their box into the container I dust in before feeding, and I see an "escapee" running across the counter.

I grab it with the forceps to return it to the roach motel, and I realize it is not in fact an escapee (obviously a different species).:p

Free feeders are free feeders.....:D
For us that would be too risky because we have pestcides in every hidden corner!! (Fl is nitorous for those nasty large palmetto bugs eww!!) Not to mention we haven't quite got up the courage to pay to have roaches in our home LOL!!!
For us that would be too risky because we have pestcides in every hidden corner!!

If your chameleon encounters an insect, he or she is entirely likely to try to eat it, whether it's one you give the cham, or one that shows up on its own. Some bugs can continue to wander about a bit after picking up pesticide. Don't know if "wild" bugs can get into your cham enclosure, or if this will ever be an issue, but something to be aware of.
So I'm forceping a couple of roaches from their box into the container I dust in before feeding, and I see an "escapee" running across the counter.

I grab it with the forceps to return it to the roach motel, and I realize it is not in fact an escapee (obviously a different species).:p

Free feeders are free feeders.....:D

I wouldn't feed it to my cham who knows what that thing has ate and crawled on :)
yea and you floridians even came up with a snazzy name "palmetto bug" cause no one wants to say i have a roach in my house hahaha:D
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