The 2013 Study on Socialization in Juvenile Chameleons…

I have 2 very social panthers, ones 2/12 (got him at 3mos), one is 1 1/2 ( got him at 5mos). They are very unique I felt but have been together since the younger one being small. I don’t mean enclosure wise but free ranging in the same area. Climbing on someone holding the other cham comfortably. They are fine with one another. Occasionally the older one gets snotty during mating season which is normal but they are very tolerant and non stressed by each other. It’s not something I recommend at all but the oldest was handled daily by the breeder until purchase and the younger guy was most likely housed with siblings for a few months I’m sure, at least a few weeks.
I feel like research on things like this is good with proper conditions and certain species. Not sure I would of used veilds- lol
Nice read, thanks!
More on rearing hatchlings toge5er …
“Chameleons reared in isolation are less colourful and more submissive than those who grow up together, new research has found.”…
This study has conclusions that are flat out stupid. It represents a failure of critical thinking and analysis of their findings.
For example, the quote above. We know the stress colors are brighter. Yes, keeping chameleons together will get you more stress colors. And before anyone gets excited about this being a precursor to adult coloration - following these individuals until they grew up was not part of the study. They have other findings and conclusions in this paper that are just as flawed. This was not a bright day for science.
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