The Best D. Hydei Cultures Please

james L

Established Member
Hello All! I was wondering were I can get the thickest, healthliest, cheapest Drosophila hydei cultures? I have some eggs that are going to hatch soon and its time to prepare. I normally use pinhead to 1 week old crickets, but with this cricket illness going around, I dont want to take my chances and waste any $$$. Also if any body knows of any other tiny insects that can be gutloaded like crickets, please inform me. Thank You!
Josh's Frogs has very good prices and shipping and another good source of small food are Red Runner Roaches. They start out very small when they hatch and are easy to gutload. Here is a link to another forum with a post where they can be purchased:
Red Runners
With my babies I used the site sponsor Snail Tail Flies and had on problems. For pinheads and all my cricket needs I use Lucky Lure. Beth is great and I've never had a problem with either of these and neither has my daughter and she's had chameleons for 6 years.
Ive used Josh's Frogs before, great flies, but not that cheap. I will check out red runner roaches, Thanks.
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