The calcium won't stick!

Try sticky tongue farms Miner-All without D3...outdoor formula.
Works like a charm on everything including supers.

Let's not forget that you will also need calcium with D3, calcium with vitamins like rep-cal herptivite,and calcium with minerals in it like miner-all, for a fast growing cham like a panther or veiled.

Oh yeah, I have RepCal w/D3 and Herptivite :p It's just the pure calcium stuff I'm having trouble with x.x
Once again, nothing sticks to supers like miner-all.
Sure it's a pain to buy another product, but it also fills the need for minerals.
I only use it for supers as it's the only thing that sticks to them.

^^^ Yeah that. ^^^

I mist everything first. I find even with crickets that the tongue impact shakes off a lot of the dust. Use less supplement if you start spraying your feeders because they will be getting more than usual.

I figure it also couldn't hurt their hydration status either.
I should also add that I don't dust supper worms. I don't believe that anyone should feed enough super worms to feel that they have to dust them. Even if you only feed crickets or roaches (or anything else that holds dust better) a couple times a week, that should be enough supplementation for anything big enough to eat super worms in the first place!
If your cham eats from a little container, you can jsut leave calcium on the floor of the container (the smaller it is, the more you can put) and when the cham goes to grab a worm it should get a bit of calcium with it. It's what we do with our beardies, because they also shoot out their tongues a little bit. Hope it helps?
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