The Great Escape


New Member
I woke up at 4 oclock this morning finding my cham trying to escape by scraping at the front glass. Hes been sitting by the glass all day. Is there any perticular reason he would be doing this?

Interesting that he was awake at 4am. Do you have a night light on him?

How old is he and what type of cham is he?
I agree, my male Panther was doing that around the 5 month old mark, then it was into the big flexarium. He's been in there a month now and he seems much happier.
How big is your cage, did you say it was glass? Now that he's getting older he'd be much happier in a mesh type cage.

Do you have any furry pets running around the house? This could be the reason he was awake and so keen on escaping at 4 am.
My cham sleeps much more soundly now that he's in the bigger cage and can choose a higher sleeping place, I have 2 dogs 2 cats. Before he could only get about 4 feet off the ground, in his new cage he can go as high as 6 feet.
How old is the chameleon? Sorry if this was already stated, but I missed it.

If he is more than about three months old, he is probably attempting escape because he is very unhappy in the glass. You need a large screen or mesh enclosure.
Also, what are your night time temperatures? It is very unusual that he would be awake at 4 a.m. and it probably means something isn't comfortable for him.
He was probably pissed off at his reflection.
I have also heard when they hit maturing age, they will sometimes try to escape in search of a female.
The best thing you can do for a chameleon is let them mate.:D
One of my male panthers did that about six months ago. He hadnt done it before, and hasnt since. i believe he was feeling sexy, and may have caught sight of a female one day when i was moving the girls while cleaning cages. I suspect he realized there was something (girsl!) beyond what he normally sees, and decided he had to explore. The front doors of his cage are acrylic. He pawed at the door periodically for a month. If I saw him doing it, I would open the door and picked him up. As he's one who isnt a big fan of being handled (tolerates, but doesnt enjoy) he soon seemed to connect pawing at door with handling, and gave it up. ;) that or he forgot why it was he wanted out, or realized his actions were futile. Eitherway, he hasnt done it for months now.

Liam, keep an eye on his feet and nose to make sure he doesnt rub anything raw
My girls did that when they were looking for a place to lay their eggs. They scratched on the screen until they found the laying bin.
How big is his enclosure?

I see you are in Wales is that the reason for a glass enclosure over screened?

Its does seem strange that he was awake at that time...something upset him or as Kat said made him uncomfortable. See what happens tonight. It may have been a 1 off incident....let us know.

I have panthers and when they were younger (6 months) they did the same in becoming very restless though they didn't wake at night. Lots of pacing, rubbing on the screens, trying to get out. They were ready to move to bigger cages and then settled down a lot. They are all in 24x24x48" screened cages. I have 1 though which I basically have to free range. He didnt settle down as well as the others and sleeps in his cage at night is fed & misted there but spends the afternoon out free ranging for a few hours as is unhappy in his screened cage all the time.
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