The only cham in the world that does like supers lol?


Chameleon Enthusiast
So good news guys, however strange.

So as some know I had an issue with my cham ceasing to eat. Then about a week ago, he finally started eating again.

So he was eating super worms, I thought I will just feed him the supers and keep doing it for awhile so he can get some nutrition back in him. As before he wouldn't eat anything I offered.

Anyway fast forward to today, I figured I would switch it up (I had added FF with the supers a few times, wasn't sure if he ate them or not as they escape lol).

So today I put in, 3 supers (small ones like he likes) 2 Dermestid beetles, and 3 Baby Dubia, with a splash of FFs. Just checked his feeder cup (he seems to want to eat in the afternoon, that is the next thing we are going to work on).

Both beetles and the Dubia are gone :), the Supers are still there and the larger roach (that one may be a little too big? or he just wasn't hungry anymore). So he actually preferred the roaches and beetles to the super :). going to get some silkies and some rice flower beetles next to add some more to his diet.

This is a happy day though :), thought I would have to fight him off the supers lol.
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