The saddest game of where's Waldo ever.


New Member
Waldo is a beautiful two-horned mountain chameleon. Were not exactly sure how old he is, we've had him for 2 and a half or so years and he hasn't grown since. He is very socible, loves people, and loves going outdoors to get some excercise. We even got him a cane plant on our patio.
One day about a month ago, we had him on the patio, chilling on his plant. My girlfriend was outside with him as i entertained some guests inside. We all got hungry and went out to eat leaving the lizzard outside.
When we got back I immediately remembered but it was too late.
Waldo was gone on an adventure.
We got a search team of 5 together and spent nearly 8 hours looking for him high and low. Some things we tried...
.Climb that tree.
.Print flyers and put them on every door.
.Why don't we put flour on the ground all over the appartmens and we can track him.
.Let's get a fire going and warm up a pot of water on top, he'll go to the heat.
.Let's call the police and ask them if a police dog can find him.
On and on all day long...

At this point we have complitely given up and very sad. Waldo is not exactly from Texas and we would not make it through too many cold nights.
I cried the next day when I was alone.

After nearly a month of battling the elements, Waldo was found half way accross the appartments by the maintenance. I just happened to drive by moments after the fact. He was in better shape than you can possibly imagine, but still he was broken. That morning it had snowed in Dallas and the next night hit 26 degrees. There is no way he would have made it one more night.
When I got him, Waldo had a very badly bruised tail..It was black. And he had broken one of his horns. It looked painful. He was very dehydrated, his eyes sunken in. Immediately after getting home, I put him in his cage and put the whole thing in the shower for about 45 minutes. He started getting his color back but we noticed that he had lost his balance.
The tail..
..must be broken.
Took him to the vet the next day because his horn was literally bent downwards at the base. Very painful and very difficult to eat with a horn in front of your mouth.
The vet put lidacane on his horn, bent it up, and glued it back on..

It has been nearly a week since we have gotten him back. He is eating crickets out of my hands but won't chase them down. Nose looks like its healing. Tail looks better and better everyday. He can curl it all the way up now, but still hasn't used it to grab onto anything..

Anyway. We are very happy to have him back..

Hope you liked the story.
I'm sorry you lost him, and that he had to be so beaten up, but glad that you got him back. You're by no means the only one to learn the hard way not to turn your back on a chameleon out of doors. Glad to hear he's recovering.
What a story! :eek: Poor little man! It's great to hear that you found him, but after a month! You must have given up hope of ever finding him. Hope he continues to improve - he's an amazing little chap to survive that long!
im glad you got your cham back. but concidering how chilly it already was why would you leave him outside alone in the first place? not trying to judge you im just very curious how you could put your hunger before your chams well being? Them again maybe your done puting the blame on your girlfriend for leaving him alone..again no disrespect im just the future when you have a baby remember to get the baby out of the car.

People make mistakes all the time.
I've left my veiled out of his cage multiple times.

I'm really glad that you found him, it all comes out worth it in the end.
What a tough guy though! :)
im glad you got your cham back. but concidering how chilly it already was why would you leave him outside alone in the first place? not trying to judge you im just very curious how you could put your hunger before your chams well being? Them again maybe your done puting the blame on your girlfriend for leaving him alone..again no disrespect im just the future when you have a baby remember to get the baby out of the car.

what are you talking about this could have happened to anyone.... you dont have to rude to the poor guy.... The best parents in the world have locked their human babies in the car, left them in a shopping center, etc... Please dont be rude this really discourages new members to this forum when you act like that!

EDIT--- By the way DJSURGE glad you have your cham back... post some pics when you get a chance I would love to see him!
im glad you got your cham back. but concidering how chilly it already was why would you leave him outside alone in the first place? not trying to judge you im just very curious how you could put your hunger before your chams well being? Them again maybe your done puting the blame on your girlfriend for leaving him alone..again no disrespect im just the future when you have a baby remember to get the baby out of the car.

This coming from someone who can't even take there Chameleons to a vet.
Shouldn't throw stones when you live in a glass house Courtney

djsurge That is wonderful you found him! Hope he makes a full recovery!
DJ, I am happy that you found your chameleon and you were able to properly care for it afterwards.
Courtney: if you're the greatest thing since sliced bread, why don't you have enough money to pay for vet bills? Yes. That's right, I'm a the silly girl who quotes your financial status online. Shouldn't people be throwing money at you? You've been a rude, mean, cold person since you got here. Don't expect help if you're being mean.

OP: I'm glad you got your Cham back and all the damage is fixable.
Ok I will toss a couple of stones. I was wrong to leave Waldo outside, but it is fixed, and won't happen again.
Courtney, have you taken the Meller's to the vet? It is not being responsible when you take an animal in that you are not in a financial place to care for it. I have offered to help pay for a vet so, now fix your problem and let's all get past this.

PS tell Waldo I am happy he is home.
Wow, poor cham! I can't believe you found him after a month, that's great! I've lost geckos in my tiny APARTMENT that I've never been able to find again. He must be so happy to be home :) Congrats on being reunited with him.
Most of us loose a veiled or panther. Could you imagine looking for a montium!!! You know he was watching you the whole time.

I lost a female panther for 2 days once. She was found 40 yards or so away from my house across a gravel parking lot! I found her up in a locust tree way on the end of a branch snagging something to eat:D I had to get the neighbors water hose to "coax" her back to the center of the tree so I could get an extension ladder and grab her. She was in an outside cage but crawled through the bottom after it was bumped.

Of course the simple lesson of, never leave your chameleon unattended to outside unless in a cage that is escape proof, was learned:eek:

Thats awesome you got your guy back and took him to the vet to get cleaned up. Hopefully he makes a full recovery.
Poor guy! I'm so glad you found him and got him out of the cold. I hate the cold so much, I can't imagine how he survived out there. I hope he recovers! He must be so happy to be back inside where it's warm with his family :)
I'm glad you found Waldo. I understand how you would have him outside one day and it's nice and sunny and then the next it snows down here in Texas, the weather is soo crazy down here. I'm from PA originally and when I moved here i almost went crazy at how the weather changes from one day to the next. Zee is only about 7 3/4" now and he is in a 4 foot by 4 foot cage and we are constantly losing him in it. I'm sure he watches us while we look for him and laughs at us.
Most of us loose a veiled or panther. Could you imagine looking for a montium!!! You know he was watching you the whole time.

I lost a female panther for 2 days once. She was found 40 yards or so away from my house across a gravel parking lot! I found her up in a locust tree way on the end of a branch snagging something to eat:D I had to get the neighbors water hose to "coax" her back to the center of the tree so I could get an extension ladder and grab her. She was in an outside cage but crawled through the bottom after it was bumped.

Of course the simple lesson of, never leave your chameleon unattended to outside unless in a cage that is escape proof, was learned:eek:

Thats awesome you got your guy back and took him to the vet to get cleaned up. Hopefully he makes a full recovery.

Blasphemy!! Cain, its not possible for u to lose a dare u speak of such things!! Senior members do not make such mistakes!!:rolleyes:
Thank you all for your warm wishes. This is my firs time on the forums. I just thought that this was a story to be shared. And yes.. Lesson learned. And yes we are overjoyed.
Waldo is also looking very happy. He hasn't begun to talk yet though.. I wonder why.....
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