the vet visit went well...


so i got poke to the vet today after he was trying to throw up yesterday. i thought maybe he was getting an upper respiratory infection because he kept puffing air out after eating, and it seems like hes had more saliva lately. but the vet thinks its just a really bad infection throught all of him. her beliefe is that the abcess he had a month and a half ago visibly went away but the bacteria didnt clear up and now its gone crazy. so she did another culture to see if the antibiotics she had given him before affected the bacteria at all. i feel like she should know what antibiotics work against what bacteria. guess and check is expensive for me.
Hope all goes well. Best wishes.

i feel like she should know what antibiotics work against what bacteria. guess and check is expensive for me.
Agreed, perhaps there is someone she can call (a vet more experienced) that could give her advice? Not sure if this is common in vet practices.
Sometimes bacteria builds immunity to certain antibiotics, it can be frustrating

ya, i didn't think of that. we'll see how it all goes, i should have results back friday or monday.

he's still eating fine, and drinking water. his activity is the same, of course i'll keep a close eye for any changes.

thanks guys...gals :)
One thing that is worth mentioning (and this is not to say the OP doesn't consider the following) is the esophageal infections. These are caused by a buildup of bacteria in the mouth and gular regions usually from contaminated food sources and unsanitary environments. I've had bad batches of crickets that prior to a huge die off two of my females (pardalis and senegalensis) wound up with what seemed like swollen gular areas and crusties all around the mouth. The senegalensis wasn't as tough as the pardalis so she went on two rounds of Baytril but the pardalis kicked it on her own.

I've found that maintaining a clean feeder enclosure is just as important as maintaining a clean enclosure for you chams and if this is reoccurring you must take extra measures to ensure you don't leave food in the cage to nibble on anything potentially harmful (feces etc) and I also make sure the cage dries in between mistings (daily spot cleaning and visual checks).

Good luck and keep us posted!

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