
I move mine around from day to day. I like to get readings from the top, middle, and bottom of the enclosure and adjust humidity if necessary.
I have a thermometer at the top of my cage under a basking light, and a thermometer at the bottom of the cage. The one at the top is his basking temp, the one at the bottom tells me the lowest ambient temp in the cage. So I know the temps in the middle of the cage are somewhere between the two.

As for the hygrometer.... Make sure it's placed near the middle of your cage somewhere, away from any lights. If you have it under a light, it will cause the hygrometer to always be dry due to the heat coming off of your lights, and therefore, it will give you inaccurate humidity readings, lower than your actual humidity will be. So the best place for it, is hidden away from any lights, like under a potted plant that might block the light from getting to it or something. I actually have two of them in my cage. One is a little lower than the middle of my cage, and the next one is about 6 inches above that one. I do this because if using a dial hygrometer like I do, they can sometimes be inaccurate straight out of the box. (digital hygrometers can also be inaccurate, but the chances of that are less likely with a digital one). Having two hygrometers allows me to see that they are the same reading, or within 1-2 % of each other anyways - and this lets me know that they are giving relatively accurate readings. Now if one of them was to ever be off from the other by like 5, 10, 15, 20 % ..... I'd know there was a problem with one, and I'd trash them. Haven't had that problem yet though.
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