they are all over my house!!! >_<


New Member
so a few weeks ago i made the mistake of buying way to many soldier grubs, and have been feeding them off to roo slowly and over the last week they all started to turn into flies so i put them in the fridge every other day.... except the last 2 days i forgot, so today i open the container and what do you know ... 50 ugly flies come right out of the container and i sort of freaked out dropped the container and now theres even more all flying around my dining room! :eek: :rolleyes: i still have a hundred or so grubs that havent turned into flies yet, but i have a question ... is it ohkay to feed off the flies? or should i just let em go outside?:rolleyes:
Without some feeding/gutloading they maybe worth something like chips :D But i think they can not be bad to feed off, so why not :D
that dont sound nutritional value for a cham, and possibly for prasites. Im not A 'pro' tho dood, just puckin up wat we needed
Without some feeding/gutloading they maybe worth something like chips :D But i think they can not be bad to feed off, so why not :D
sounds like a plan to me :p hopefully the ones running free around the house die off soon tho :rolleyes: :D

that dont sound nutritional value for a cham, and possibly for prasites. Im not A 'pro' tho dood, just puckin up wat we needed
lol i dont have to parasites iv had them since the were tiny tiny little fly larvae :p they arent wild flies :)
Feed them off, as many as your cham will eat. Usually they are a treat but this is a "special occasion" so go for it. They are safe for chameleons.
Since you have kept them since pupation, they should be safe and pretty nutritious. They have probably lost a bit of nutritional value through making the pupa and from flying around now, but I figure they are still going to be pretty good for your cham. I say you take your cham on a house wide hand driven fly safari!
I got some soldier grubs myself that ended up becoming adults. I just fed the flies off to my chams without any problem. You can't gutload black soldier flies, though, as they are incapable of eating. I would think that would mean they store the nutrients needed to breed and produce eggs before they die, but I don't know what their nutritional value is.
yes i put the container in the bottom of the cage and let the flies and its so funny watching them eye them and chase them down :p :D
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