Thinking about Jacksons Chameleon


If you dont know me i got a veiled chameleon last year but let someone have it. I got it on the first week school started and was to busy adjusting to him with marching band etc. i only had my veiled about 4-5 months so anyways Its about to be summer and started doing research on jacksons and now i really want one.
That summer before my first cham i got a crested gecko and after i let someone have my cham i got a baby crested gecko he is doing fine have had him for about 5 months. and now im wanting a jacksons I just cant stop thinking about the chameleon species i loved my first one but now my mom is about to get my permit i want a job and want to pay for my own jacksons which i dont have i just saw one on LLL and wanted one btw my first veiled was from a reptile show.and i would want to buy a jacksons in the summer when i have nothing to do.

anyways life story over

whats the differences on veiled and jacksons Im used to the vieleds care. I know that the jacksons basking is like 80 and needs more mistings but dont know anything else. Like dusting...whats the dusting schedule? could anyone give me major differences in care and maybe send me could care sheets? thanks:rolleyes:
Think of a very wet jungle for these guys. They need a good amount of space with lots of trees and stuff. If you live in a dry place, I suggest buying a mister; it's much easier.
That's a great video about Jacksons, and I pretty much agree with everything he's got going on there. it probably looks pretty intimidating with the humidifier and the misting system.

The need for a humidifier will vary greatly depending on where you live and what your ambient house temperature and humidity are. Generally speaking though, just like the guy in the video says, your Jackson will thrive if you include it. It isn't that difficult to setup. Plenty of Jacksons owners don't have one, but I think the video author is right in saying your Jacksons will thrive more if you include it.

The misting system is more optional, and really depends on your own level of commitment. If you are not going to be home often, like your marching band schedule gets crazy, you might want to get an automatic misting system. If you can have a family member reliably hand mist him several times a day, and provide a drip system for drinking, you might be fine without one. You do need to definitely mist a Jacksons more often than a Veiled.

That being said, my first chameleon was a Jacksons, and I loved him. They have a wonderful personality. They are very gentle, not aggressive, curious, and readily hand-feed.
thank you everyone I'm kind of debating now cause of random schedules band gives us and think i should buy an adult veiled instead because I've been to two reptile shows there will be one in june :D and they always only have veileds. would an adult veiled be wiser and easier choice or should i get all the stuff and setup for a jacksons and which one eats more cause to me the jacksons look like small little guys :p . well all chameleons are different right?, but just asking since theyre different species. and cage size what would be an ideal cage size for an adult jacksons and veiled?
thank you everyone I'm kind of debating now cause of random schedules band gives us and think i should buy an adult veiled instead because I've been to two reptile shows there will be one in june :D and they always only have veileds. would an adult veiled be wiser and easier choice or should i get all the stuff and setup for a jacksons and which one eats more cause to me the jacksons look like small little guys :p . well all chameleons are different right?, but just asking since theyre different species. and cage size what would be an ideal cage size for an adult jacksons and veiled?

I consider 18x18x36 to be the minimum cage size for an adult Jackson's and a 24x24x48 to be the minimum for an adult male veiled. With your marching band schedule, I would suggest putting your lights on a timer and purchasing a misting system regardless of which one you choose. Even though you'll have extra time to hand mist several times a day during the summer, school will start up again before you know it, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to give another chameleon away. Your life will be much easier with an automated setup where all you have to do is feed every morning. :)

As far as which one you should get, I honestly would recommend a CB jacksonii of any age over an adult male veiled from a reptile show. First of all, the adult veileds you'll see at reptile shows are usually (not always) wild caught, and WCs are generally recommended for only the most experienced reptile owners. They tend to come with a load of parasites, they don't always adjust well to captivity, and they tend to be very difficult to handle. Veileds tend to be grumpy anyway, so I imagine that WC veileds are the same or maybe even worse.

On that note, jacksonii don't generally hiss or bite as much as veileds, which is definitely a pro for the sake of handling your chameleon in order to clean the cage, take him outside for some sunshine, take him to the vet, etc.

Of course, jacksonii tend to be WC as well if you were planning on looking for one of those at the reptile show too. I'd recommend purchasing a captive bred chameleon, no matter which species you choose.
I consider 18x18x36 to be the minimum cage size for an adult Jackson's and a 24x24x48 to be the minimum for an adult male veiled. With your marching band schedule, I would suggest putting your lights on a timer and purchasing a misting system regardless of which one you choose. Even though you'll have extra time to hand mist several times a day during the summer, school will start up again before you know it, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to give another chameleon away. Your life will be much easier with an automated setup where all you have to do is feed every morning. :)

As far as which one you should get, I honestly would recommend a CB jacksonii of any age over an adult male veiled from a reptile show. First of all, the adult veileds you'll see at reptile shows are usually (not always) wild caught, and WCs are generally recommended for only the most experienced reptile owners. They tend to come with a load of parasites, they don't always adjust well to captivity, and they tend to be very difficult to handle. Veileds tend to be grumpy anyway, so I imagine that WC veileds are the same or maybe even worse.

On that note, jacksonii don't generally hiss or bite as much as veileds, which is definitely a pro for the sake of handling your chameleon in order to clean the cage, take him outside for some sunshine, take him to the vet, etc.

Of course, jacksonii tend to be WC as well if you were planning on looking for one of those at the reptile show too. I'd recommend purchasing a captive bred chameleon, no matter which species you choose.
Thanks is there good websites to buy a jacksons? like LLLreptile im not buying one now but just wondering ;) cause everywhere I find its always only veileds or panthers
I actually don't know of any websites off the top of my head that sell CB jacksonii. Check your messages though; I sent you a PM.
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