This is FUN!!


New Member
My first go with silkworms to cocoon to moths!! I have 54 cocoons just under 3 weeks along. Well, after this weekend, 47 cocoons 6 males and 1 female moth. It is just like christmas to sprint out of bed to see how many have emerged in the morning!! If I knew it was this much fun, I would have tried it months ago!:D
I was planning 3-4 wks b4 I remove some to try to hatch. I'll leave the rest and pull as needed. I guess I'll see how it goes :)
Thats great!! How much food did you go through?? We ran out of food towards the end so not as many cocooned as we wanted. We had 3 cocoons, now 2 female moths and 1 cocoon. Hopefully its a male!!
Thats great!! How much food did you go through?? We ran out of food towards the end so not as many cocooned as we wanted. We had 3 cocoons, now 2 female moths and 1 cocoon. Hopefully its a male!!

I bought 2 pods from Coastal. Fed some and spun the rest. I ordered 1lb of powdered chow and used almost a 1/2 lb, which, reconstituted makes 1 lb. All of the worms I did not feed, spun. As of this AM, I have 24 moths, with only 2 females. Hopefully I get more females soon!! I did feed some moths today, they LOVED them!!
O.K. 8 more males this A.M. This puts the grand total thus far at 34 moths. Only 2 females. This is ridiculous. I do have a successful hook up and a pile of eggs to watch. Hopefully they go well, no pressure......
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