This thing is huge


Established Member
So KP finally got his new big boy kingdom in today and let me tell you I had no idea this enclosure would be this big, and I can’t wait until my girlfriend comes home and sees the new addition in our bedroom, she’s gonna loveeeee it hahaha :ROFLMAO:

it’s safe to say he’ll have PLENTY of space to roam. Now just have to figure out how I want to deck it out

Ps the old enclosure he’s in now is behind this new one
I plan on having a pothos with vines that will cover most of the top, and a schferella in there for the middle and lower coverage along with some horizontal free hanging vines and cover the sides with maybe some type of rope bridge. I’ll also have some ghost wood in there eventually and vines all the way around. Think it’ll work out nicely. If you wanna see my current set up I have pictures on my profile. Thanks for the advice
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