This was kind of strange.

Every day I feed my veiled chameleon Rango by tongs. He eats about 5-7 various insects a day. But this evening, he would look at the food, and even get his tongue ready to shoot, but didn't go for it. After about ten minutes I got him to eat two superworms. Is this weird behaviour? Or am I just over worried?
Every day I feed my veiled chameleon Rango by tongs. He eats about 5-7 various insects a day. But this evening, he would look at the food, and even get his tongue ready to shoot, but didn't go for it. After about ten minutes I got him to eat two superworms. Is this weird behaviour? Or am I just over worried?

Over worried, he may just be sick of crickets?
Well I have three main feeders (Dubias,crickets,superworms) and tried all three :/.

He may have just not been hungry. They can go a long time without food, and go weeks without even getting 1 bug in the wild. We spoil them in captivity.

I would try to feed him in the morning so he can digest it better.
How do I tell? I want to avoid vet trips with chameleons generally because its kind of a long distants and he is stressed easily.
I think I wouldn't worry about it unless it continues. If it does continue it could very well be a injury with his mouth, or tongue. When he ate the two supper worms did he favor his tongue? If there is a sore you should be able to see it just like you would see a sore in your mouth look for a puffiness around his lips, or a red swollen spot on his tongue, or gums.
If he continues to do that he may have hyper extended it and the muscle might be tired and need a rest.
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