Thor and Romeo's Spring Photo Shoot~


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Romeo is in the back--




this photo is destined to become a meme:




Me and Romeo:
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Wow! Thor is the spitting image of his dad.

Romeo has a bit more yellow than I expected but his grandfather ,Wembey also sported some yellows when he was upset so I bet that is where it came from.

From what I have heard, all the Bonsai kids have turned out nice.

Circle Side I would describe as a "high strung" cham so I guess his kids got that from him too.

Great pictures! Handsome boys. You should be very proud of them ( I know I am )
Thanks Dez! Romeo actually changes all his green to gold at times. He just got the red outline in the past few months! I thought it was a neat addition to his colors :)
I'm loving your boys! Romeo and Thor are some of the best looking panthers out there. You have done an awesome job with them.
I showed Jason the photos without letting him read the post or know who they where...I just said hey look at these chams

The first thing he said looking at the first pic was

"Oh my god that looks just like Circle!"

**scroll down

"and Bonzai, that looks like Bonzai."

I told him he won a prize. Heh heh
I showed Jason the photos without letting him read the post or know who they where...I just said hey look at these chams

The first thing he said looking at the first pic was

"Oh my god that looks just like Circle!"

**scroll down

"and Bonzai, that looks like Bonzai."

I told him he won a prize. Heh heh

That made me smile! He does deserve a prize :) They have some strong genes over at your house

You'll be happy to know that Romeo's babies are about 2 months old-- the legend of circle side will carry on :D

Thors eggs just hit the cooker about 2 months ago!
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