Hey guys its been awhile since i have been on here=) SO i have noticed for the past im going to say month mabe less not really 100%sure but thor has had only like some of his back and tail and feed shed but nothing else even though u can obvoisly tell that the rest should have came off. Idk if its just because he is now older so he wont shed as much at a time or if this is an issue so i was hoping to get an answer if possible!
Here is a pic of him today with his lazy colors on as usual lol, but as u can see there are spots that are and alot of spots that arnt but u can see the white cover where the dead skin is over the new skin.
Here is a pic of him today with his lazy colors on as usual lol, but as u can see there are spots that are and alot of spots that arnt but u can see the white cover where the dead skin is over the new skin.