Tired of Crickets?



Ozzie isn't eating his crickets all that well anymore and I have been offering him mealies and he eats them but he isn't all that fond of them. I want to order some small Silk worms and baby hornworm cups and small Dubia Roaches from Mulberry Farms but is there anything else I should order along with these as far as food for them or can they also feed on the cricket crack?
Maybe some fruit flys? Be careful with hornworms those guys grow fast! Ive heard of ppl putting them in the fridge for liek a day then out for 2.. to help slow down their growth.... All the guys do is eat and poop...
I also use phoenix worms. And butterworms are my next purchase.

If you let the silkworms change into moths they love those too.
Thanks guys and gals! Maybe I should try butter worms instead of hornworms then. Ozzie is approx. 4 mos old. He seems to love flying things like house flies but I was told that if I get fruit flies they will get out all in my house?
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