To Skinny or Ok?

try this

Veiled chams get very bored with their diet quickly... what are you feeding him? Try variety i can't stress that enough. If he's being picky give him hornworms or silkworms, they drive chams crazy and they can't resist eating them. Also, do you put any kind of veggies or fruit in the cage? I put a few pieces of romaine for my male cham everyday and he'll usually eat it! Give it a try!
ha ha! i have been doing all of the above. he at 3 silkies and zero hornworms 3 weeks ago. i tried romaine and grapes that was a negative. his favorite is suppers and wont touch thos along with crix, phoenix, and meals. sorry he is a stubborn


how big is the cham and what are the measurements on the enclosure he's in. Maybe check the UVA light on him, UVA promotes appetite. Maybe try to mist him before feeding too that gets my boy's appetite right up!
justin, He looks a little skinny but not bad. I think you've got a lot of time to find out what's going on with him if it's not a seasonal thing. Did you make it to the vet today? Good luck David
He looks fine to me. They are not great pictures however you can see that his head is not sunken in and you can’t see any bones. Keep an eye on his head and casque as with most chameleon types they store fat and water in this area of the body. When it alters from what you know to be normal then you know something is out of the ordinary.
I don’t believe that Veilds easily get bored of food. All that I have had anyway… For the most part Veilds are the vacuums of my barn. Panthers are more likely to go off feed simply because they don’t like crickets. No matter what the food you need to make sure you are gut loading them because what you feed the bugs your chameleon will eat... If you do think he is on the thin side then mix in wax worms into his routine that will help add some weight on. Oh... And also... Weigh him from week to week when you think something to be wrong... This will help know for sure how his weight is doing... Not just by looking at his head..
i didnt make it to the vet today. they had me working late! i was so freakin mad. lol he does look a very little bit thinner, but not much. so i just wanted to know what you guys thought. he is in a 50x20x20 with plenty of very good lighting. he has an auto mist so that is good to.
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i didnt make it to the vet today. they had me working late! i was so freakin mad. lol he does look a very little bit thinner, but not much. so i just wanted to know what you guys thought. he is in a 50x20x20 with plenty of very good lighting. he has an auto mist so that is good to.

He looks OK. (Just look for his casque and his pelvis). With veiled, his casque will be the one that gives you warning off the severe malnutrition.
That's where he store the fat.

Also, always check if he has a pronounced pelvic bone (that's a bad sign)

Have you try house flies? (I know kammerflage sell them)

Have you try weighing him?
Keep us updated.
He just ate 3 suppers. i tried the massage around his jaw and it worked 3 times. i went fora fourth for his liquid vitamin, but he wasnt having it. roaches will be here nextweek so we will see how that works.
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