tomatoe for gutload?

Not a good idea. Tomato's have a high vitamin a count. Can be toxic to cham's. Try bell peppers, zuchinni, squash, sweet potato, carrots, collard, kale and mustard greens.

Try a search on gutloading.
I do know hornworms that feed on Tomato plants are toxic. Therefore, I would assume the tomatoes themselves are as well.
cool, i have read a lot on it, and won't throw anything into my gutload without checking first, i just hadn't seen much on them. Thanks! I have also read about adding water to a wet gutload mix, would it be a good idea to add organic milk instead?
cool, i have read a lot on it, and won't throw anything into my gutload without checking first, i just hadn't seen much on them. Thanks! I have also read about adding water to a wet gutload mix, would it be a good idea to add organic milk instead?

Never heard of adding water or milk. I wouldn't recommend it especially the milk. Seems like liquid would result in dubia deaths. I know it would with crickets.
Tomatoe plant LEAVES are toxic. The fruit is not.
Tomatoe fruit contains beta carotene, not preformed vitamin A, as well as lots of other Good vitamins. It is low in Oxalic Acid. However it is higher in Phosphorus than in Calcium, and therefore is not your best choice for gutloading.

you do not need to add water to the gutload - using fresh fruits and vegetables provides lots of natural liquid
ok, someone had said before that adding water would provide enough liquid so you don't have to use any other water source. I bought a blender and made them a nice little smoothie with collard greens, carrots, strawberries, blueberries, apple, and oatmeal
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