Too Big?


Chameleon Enthusiast
They say bigger is better for cages. Well I may be going too far. I have not trimmed plants and only expand the living area. It is now about 20 square feet surface area and 5 feet or so vertical.
Beautiful and your cham is proud showing off his home.. WOW!!!!
Great job!

Shout out for your cool frog and gecko (I think) on the stand. (y)

but hey as long as they dont get lost, the sky is the limit.
LOL just caught the #howtomakeat5holooksmall There is also a MV out of sight. One 48 does not cover it. In fact I an figuring out how to add another
And like you where telling me in the beginning when I went for free range, they stay in their own space within a weeks and wont escape, except during her receptive phase. She has all her freedom and can leave every second her tree, but she wont.
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