Too much food!


New Member
Well I am considering adding some variety to cassius' diet (only crickets and some carrot shavings), but he is not very big, and I don't know where I could get just a few superworms or roaches? I know my petsmart sells the superworms in a 25 count and I believe that is the smallest amount (I don't want to buy a billion batch :D). Anyone have any suggestions?
25 superworms isn't that many. They are easy to keep, and the life cycle is long enough that you will be able to give your veiled 1 or 2 a day and the worms would still be good. Just toss the worms in a small container with some oats and a carrot or potato slice and they are good to go.
Well I am considering adding some variety to cassius' diet (only crickets and some carrot shavings), but he is not very big, and I don't know where I could get just a few superworms or roaches? I know my petsmart sells the superworms in a 25 count and I believe that is the smallest amount (I don't want to buy a billion batch :D). Anyone have any suggestions?

petsmart is a rip off.
Buy 50 silkworms/ superworms/ butterworms from

Feed them with the appropriate gutload and you have yourself a food supply for at least a week.
Considering baby chams eat about 12 a day, 50 feeder isn't that much.
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