Too much moisture in my dubia colony??


New Member
Lately I've noticed there has been a lot of moisture in my dubia colony, and I can't figure out why. They are fed a mix of fresh fruits and veggies and some dry food. I change the fresh fruits and veggies everyday or every other day to make sure they don't start rotting. By excess moisture I mean there is literally condensation on the sides of the tub. They are kept in a large storage bin. I have a heating pad underneath the tub for heat that I generally keep on low, although lately I have kept it off because they are breeding quicker than Espio will eat them! lol. Any ideas on what is causing the moisture and how to stop it? I don't want mold to start growing in there.
Some options:

Less food=Less moisture. Try to run out in one day or two.

Cut additional screen covered holes for ventilation. How much do you have now? My colony has the whole top screen.


I have the same issue right now- I found out mine is due to the inside being much warmer than the outside- I moved mine to a out building - and its not COLD, but it is cooler than the house- the bin is still very warm, but the bins are also way overcrowded - so maybe that also has something to do with it ?
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