Tounge Stuck To Finger


Established Member
I went in to feed my chameleon charlie his breakfast and he went to strike a cricket from my finger and his toungue hit my finger. it surprised me so i pulled a little but then i realized i might hurt his toungue if i pulled anymore but he let go. now im worried that i might of pullled the little guys tongue to far out even though he is six inches head to tail and his tongue went out 4 inches after the little pull i did. so is he ok though?
i think he should be fine my did that before when i was hand feeding and he has been doing great but i would just keep an eye out for anything differnet in his eating or behavior
i will look again at his tongue when i hand feed later in the afternoon. i will have to watch out for that tongue. i didnt know it was that sticky!
If he retracted his tounge he should be fine though. Its possible to damage the muscles if its extended to far. Keep and eye on him for awhile if you think you may have overstretched it a bit jerking your finger back.
I wouldn't be too worried either. My melleri have shot my fingers many times and it has never let to problems. I usually just hold my hand still and they let go quickly.

- Suzanne
i bring my finger to their mouth so they can peel it off with their mouth. I noticed that if you sit there you can feel them pulling back at their tounge and it feels like its straining them.
Yeah, as long as it retracted, it should be fine. They can hyperextend their tongue and it won't fully go back in. That's when you have a problem.
I have a female werner that over extended its tounge WE were at work came home to see her on her side on the bottom of the cage............with a black tounge.......that was approx 3 weeks ago took her to the vet....partial amputation.For the next week we gave her baby food through a she is eating crickets from your hand 10-15/day.We feed her 2x/day
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