traveling with chameleon(s)... please help


New Member
I was evacuated from my house today, as a river appeared in my backyard and has now consumed my house. seriously...

I took my babies and their smallest enclosures and as many supplies as I could fit in my small car and am now trying my very best to care for them the way I just was at home, only now in a hotel room.

If there is anyone that has ever traveled with chameleons for maybe a reptile expo or for any reason really, I really need some advice and any important "do's and dont's" you might have

Idk what to do and this is not a topic i have the time now to research.
Wow - that really sucks- at this point your probably in a panic- relax - read some of the threads from around when Sandy hit - and worry about the basics
I have no experience in this but I since I am in the area where Sandy hit last year I read some of the old threads- I'm thinking your in Colorado ? There most probably will be members in your area who can help you locate supplies your lacking - Your in a hotel so you have water and heat- and hopefully the outside weather will let you get them some lighting - The zipper laundry baskets work for emergency cages and I've seen some smaller bug cages critter keepers even plastic tubs used for little ones - Good luck-
When Sandy struck I was without power for days and I do not have a generator or anything so the first thing I did when I could drive safely out of my neighborhood was go on a road trip to my Grandmas house which is a hour away. I honestly did not think my cham was going to make it through the hurricane, she was so cold that I literally would bundle her up in blankets with me and I would put her in my hands and close them and blow heat in there- once I did that she would be ok but I couldn't do that 24/7. Once it was safe to drive I put her in a little plastic cage I had for my crickets (cleaned out the crickets) and cut off a branch and stuck it in there- while driving I had my heat on full blast just to try to warm her up and i ended up taking her out of the cage and holding her while I drove because she liked my body heat- Luckily getting to my Grandmas house I went out and got her a cage and everything she needed just for a short period of time and kept her there for a week - I would drive to my Grandma's everyday!! Luckily my little girl made it through Sandy- Hoping this year the East Coast doesn't get hit!

I agree that the zipper laundry baskets are great for emergencies, Just try to make it as homey as possible for them with the resources you have and definitely read some of the threads on here!

Goodluck !!!!
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