Trees outside.


Hey guys, today I took gonzo out for some sun and he seemed like he really wanted to climb on a tree or a bush, now I didn't let him for 2 reasons 1. Is the toxicity of plans/tree only poisonous if eaten or with contact of the skin, 2. I live in an appartment building so there's probably pesticides on the trees/plans/bushes and there seemed to be some
Bugs on them. Do you guys think it's not a good idea to put him on any of them (under supervision ofcourse) I just felt kinda bad cuz it seemed like he wanted to climb them... Badly.
Buy him a ficus tree to take outside to hang on. Get one small enough that you can use it inside also.
i have been doin that but he just seems to want to go on the big ones :p but i guess i shouldnt do it huh?
I'd stick with my own tree like the other member said. As long as you have no control over what is sprayed on the trees and shrubs I wouldn't take a chance. I have a hibuscus tree I put mine on when I am outside. As you said, fully supervised of course.
Yup dont leave him alone, i left my veild out for sum sun and 5 minutes hes across the yard in a tree lucky me he loves superworms xD
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