Trixi pic's and supplements


New Member
I dust the crickets in cricket dust 3 times a week.....but how often should i be dust with the NUTROBAL?
If the cricket dust is plain calcium, then 3 times a week is ok. I use my vits once a fortnight. If that's wrong I'm sure someone will shout! What is that Calcimize stuff? I haven't come across that before.
If the cricket dust is plain calcium, then 3 times a week is ok. I use my vits once a fortnight. If that's wrong I'm sure someone will shout! What is that Calcimize stuff? I haven't come across that before.

calciumize is just a crappy version of repti-safe water condtioner, with a tiny bit of calcium.

1 drop of repti-safe=30 drops of calciumize
Sometimes the calcium enriched water conditioners provide too much calcium for you animal and you chameleon will start having it come out of its nose! (no joke it looks like crusty white boogers)

I dont know how bad your water is over there but when i use water out of the sink (which i rarely do) let it sit out over night then boil it. (i know its over kill but i just like to be safe).
would this be a better bet in the water??
the water quality is quite good but i always boil her water anyway
I always boil my water and let it cool too. I don't add anything to it. Use warm/hot water to mist with so it comes out at room temp. Chams usually dislike being sprayed anyway and they really hate cold water!! Having said that, Lily loves to be sprayed, but I use water hot enough so that the mist comes out tepid.
When you boil the water, aren't you getting distilled water as a final product? Now this leads to my next questioned. If you are just giving your chameleon distilled water wouldn't it be lacking nutrients and minerals that it should be getting from the water? Not all minerals are bad. For example, when city water is cleaned and chlorinated, they then put minerals back into it. In result we are getting nutrition from our water even after the chemicals have cleaned all the bad out.

Someone please chime in and tell me if i am thinking about this right.
When you boil the water, aren't you getting distilled water as a final product? Now this leads to my next questioned. If you are just giving your chameleon distilled water wouldn't it be lacking nutrients and minerals that it should be getting from the water? Not all minerals are bad. For example, when city water is cleaned and chlorinated, they then put minerals back into it. In result we are getting nutrition from our water even after the chemicals have cleaned all the bad out.

Someone please chime in and tell me if i am thinking about this right.

in nature there in`t much minerals in the water (im not an air scientist person, so i mAy be wrong) but enough supplements should make up for those minerals anyways
My 8month old veiled has a like white crusty flake on one of its nostrils... I don't condition his water... Was wondering if they have boogers?!
My 8month old veiled has a like white crusty flake on one of its nostrils... I don't condition his water... Was wondering if they have boogers?!
The white stuff coming out of the nose has absolutely nothing to do with the chameleons calcium supplementation, or the water he or she drinks. It's a natural thing where the chameleon gets rid of excess salt deposits. It is fine and nothing to worry about.
Distilled, filtered, reverse osmosis, purified, and boiled water are all different. Simply boiling tap water does not give you distilled water. If you boil, you're trying to kill biological impurities (like I do for my aquarium - we have a lot of algae in our water, doesn't hurt us but upsets my frog's water balance). I don't boil or treat my cham's water. There is a lot of misinformation out there that boiling removes chlorine, etc. This has been discussed several times in detail on the forum and I'm sure it will come up under the search function.

Calcium carbonate (calcium supplement powder) is technically a salt - an insoluable salt (does not disolve in water). A lot of minerals are technically salts, and animals process excess sats in numerous ways. For reptiles, one way to excrete extra salt is the white crusties around the nostrils. Totally normal.

Brownie is spot on - calcium does not seem to be a contributing salt to nasal encrustations. You should NOT decrease pure calcium supplementation because of nose crusties. Here's a really good post on the subject:

Tap water has mineral content, what those minerals are and how much depends on your local water source. "Hard" water has lots of calcium and magnesium salts which leave white spots on glass and that white crusty stuff in appliances; "soft" water has been treated with sodium salts to remove the hard water minerals. Sodium was found in nose encrustations in the studies cites in the link above.

@Erica1884 - Do you use a sodium-based water softener? Does your local water have high sodium content? Your water department website should have a link to the most recent water quality report. Might be something to consider.
The white stuff coming out of the nose has absolutely nothing to do with the chameleons calcium supplementation, or the water he or she drinks. It's a natural thing where the chameleon gets rid of excess salt deposits. It is fine and nothing to worry about.

Okay great thanks!!
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