Turkistan Roaches


New Member
Hi there, Just wondering if there is anyone in canada that has a turkistan roach colony that I could purchase from to start my own or if anyone knows where I would be able to buy some online.
Dont Know about Canada, But in the States here www.nyworms.com sells Turkistan Roaches. They are a good company and I use them, I wouldnt know a thing about shipping across the border though? I would think it possible.
These roaches are FAST and will try to fly. They lay egg casings.... so if you get escapee females...... you'll never know if they've left babies somewhere till its too late...

I killed mine off by not feeding them... some even got to ride the toilet bowl to a new life...
Yes, they are fast. But I have to disagree about the flying - only the males have wings and they do not fly (in my experience) but rather if they fall they have a softer fluttering crash landing. They cant climb smooth surfaces, so if you cup feed these make a good feeder option - my chams love em
Good luck!

Yes, they are fast. But I have to disagree about the flying - only the males have wings and they do not fly (in my experience) but rather if they fall they have a softer fluttering crash landing. They cant climb smooth surfaces, so if you cup feed these make a good feeder option - my chams love em

I did say try to fly... I have spoken with keepers locally that don't like them because they have seen them trying to escape via flapping. They are great feeders... just beware of what your getting into.
My panther loves the adult male turks! He will actively hunt them down in the cage more-so than any other prey. But the nymphs he wouldn't touch no matter how long they were in his cage. I also recommend not feeding off the females no matter how many you have - they are very fast and not something you want laying eggs in your home. I did have one adult male "fly away" from me. He got on top of my hand and made a little jump and did a perfect flutter glide down to a small crevice in my desk - haven't seen him since.
My panther loves the adult male turks! He will actively hunt them down in the cage more-so than any other prey. But the nymphs he wouldn't touch no matter how long they were in his cage. I also recommend not feeding off the females no matter how many you have - they are very fast and not something you want laying eggs in your home. I did have one adult male "fly away" from me. He got on top of my hand and made a little jump and did a perfect flutter glide down to a small crevice in my desk - haven't seen him since.

LOL just hope you don't lose a female!

I hope ya find him!

I had some get loose before I knew the sex...... Luckily I moved out of that Apt......
I remember well the day I tripped while I had a container of hisser nymphs in my hands. Had. Nymphs went everywhere. captured a few on sticky traps. The rest ...... ? hopefully they died. Probably loosing a roach is a bigger concern in warm climates than it is where I live. Normal night temps here right now (inside my house) is like 45F. (The cham room is heated to min 64F). It is quite rare for it to get much above 80F here - only the hotest summer day might be 86F (30C) - which is what I'm told these suckers need to make more of themselves. That said, I do double-bin all my roaches and take care when feeding off.
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