Turned black should i be concerned?


New Member
I've had my little guy for about 3 weeks now. So far he eats great, even out of my hand, and seems happy. Today for the first time he turned jet black. Is this an issue? Is this a sign of stress? My dog was barking, usually this doesn't bother him. Should I be concerned and keep the dogs away? He is far out of reach and they don't even know he exists.
thank you for your help.

My 2 month old panther just turned black for the first time. He's low in the cage and wet from the mist king. is he just cold? I've had him for 3 weeks and he's been healthy, eating well etc. never seen him turn black however. The dogs also were barking loudly. maybe this stressed him out, but it hasn't before. I don't think he can see himself in the mirror, but there is one near by. any thoughts on what's going on and if I should be looking for any other strange behavior?

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Chameleon's hearing is through vibrations and not really through sound traveling through the air so a barking dog will not bother them. He may be cold and dark colors are a more efficient way to absorb heat though you would think he would head to the basking area.

I sometimes find my female panther to be super dark at times but she seems to get back to normal resting colors eventually. Perhaps he's just being grumpy.
he was probably just cold.
if this becomes a daily thing, then maybe a closer look at your room and basking temps are in order.

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