
You should be concerned enough about the turtle not to feed it just anything that it will eat but a nutritious diet that will help it to live a long and healthy life.
If you don't want to treat it properly, then you shouldn't get one.
You should be concerned enough about the turtle not to feed it just anything that it will eat but a nutritious diet that will help it to live a long and healthy life.
If you don't want to treat it properly, then you shouldn't get one.


In addition it depends on how much space you have, my sister has 4 Sulcata. But their are alot of smaller Tortoises Russians are nice and there's always Box Turtles.

If you have a nice fenced yard Sulcatas are awesome (24" to 36" as adults and you can get babies for $50). They live a very long time (over 50 years) if cared for properly.
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