Twining goals

Thanks for tagging me @JoXie411 ! I've seen twins a few times and even had a couple of eggs like that. More often than not though one will pip at one end of the egg and the head of the other will be at the closed end of the egg and suffocate. Sad when that happens.
I'm glad those two had their heads facing to the same end of the egg.

I've seen a couple of double eggs too....but the same thing often happens with them pips and the other pips into the other "half" of the egg and suffocates. At least with the apparent double eggs you knew ahead of time and could stop it from happening.
Wow very interesting thanks for sharing your experience with twins. I’ve seen the double egg thing b4 but this was something different I had to show everyone and with all your experience I thought You might have more information ?
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