Two questions on crickets and water


First of all, I know once my cham grows up he'll be averaging about 15 crickets a day, which is about a hundred a week. How long do crickets live if I supply them with sufficient cricket water and food? Could I buy 200 and be set for the coming weeks, or will I be making trips to the store every week?

Also, what kind of water should I be putting in my dripper and misting bottle? Could I get it from those machines at the grocery store where you fill up a big barrel of water?

Thanks in advance
First of all, I know once my cham grows up he'll be averaging about 15 crickets a day, which is about a hundred a week. How long do crickets live if I supply them with sufficient cricket water and food? Could I buy 200 and be set for the coming weeks, or will I be making trips to the store every week?

Also, what kind of water should I be putting in my dripper and misting bottle? Could I get it from those machines at the grocery store where you fill up a big barrel of water?

Thanks in advance

Plan on feeding more than just crix. They will last a while if kept in a keeper, but will do better in a bin set up. Do a google search and go from there. Lots of info. here and there on keeping crix. You will need variety for your new little one. Lots of info here about nutrition:

Those machines at the grocery store where you fill up a big barrel of water are just fine for a dripper or mister bottle. If using an auto mister use distilled or RO water. What type of cham are you currently keeping? How old? What's you set up look like? Share some pics when you have a chance. Hope to see you post soon.
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