uh-oh battle royale


New Member
Upon researching Chameleons and hitting up the local pet stores to see what supplies they have to offer, the husband discovers the Uromastyx. I think he's leaning towards this lizard because it's primarily an herbivore, and "it looks bad-ass!" hahaha. So I guess some more thinking and discussing is in order...maybe we will end up with both. :D
I'm with your husband - they are awesome looking! I hope to get a pair at some point down the line and start breeding them, as I don't think many people do. I was at a reptile show and met a guy from Washington who was a major breeder, so I listened to him talk about their care. His business was called Deerfield, or something like that - good luck making the decision!

Upon researching Chameleons and hitting up the local pet stores to see what supplies they have to offer, the husband discovers the Uromastyx. I think he's leaning towards this lizard because it's primarily an herbivore, and "it looks bad-ass!" hahaha. So I guess some more thinking and discussing is in order...maybe we will end up with both. :D

I went and saw the wittle baby veiled at petco u spoke of.. very precious :) that's where I got mine. And yes I saw the uro at petsmart they just got him last month. And yes super badass. U better snatch him up before I do ;) i
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