Uh...White dubia.?

Not really sure but my lobster roach colony I also have white roaches as well?? Am thinking albino??
When they molt they turn white. i have caught a white one, put it in a container and it was brown again within a day. I think yours is ok.
means he's about to shed his skin. i had an albino that i thought was so cool so i decided to keep him as a pet :/ yeah not until the next day i came back and he turned back to black :(

lmaooo. :D

But yea, freshly molted insects are usually veryyy light for a few hours before there exoskeleton begind to harden.
I remember the first newly molted cricket I had - I was convinced I had some special kind of cricket, lol!:eek: If you don't know much about the growth of insects then it's another thing to learn when keeping chameleons! I do know that chameleons usually relish the newly molted insects.:D
Yep just freshly molted. Notice in the bottom of your roach tub you will find what looks like dead roaches but it is really just the exoskeleton they shed out of. I had a couple white ones just today :) Kinda like Chams when they shed... they are just growing :)
jon i was really sad!!! its like when your goldfish dies haha i still wish "frosty" stayed white... he would made a great pet! :'(
jon i was really sad!!! its like when your goldfish dies haha i still wish "frosty" stayed white... he would made a great pet! :'(

lmao.. I went to feed my Ambanja this morning , and the first Dubia i found was a fresh molt. I couldn't get my hand in his cage fast enough. He loved them! Like a roach marshmallow.
pixxxx..... forgot i had these in my phone from lastweek. Freshly molted male Dubia..freaked me out a bit.


wings still not dried and extended

belly shot

a molted female cricket for good measure
Howdy Kristen,

Madagascar Hisser Caught in the act :):


Hisser Live birth:

Somewhat Freshly Molted (final male molt produces wings) Dubia Male:

After a while:
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